Photo by eyesplash Mikul
While you reminisce about your sexual debut (don't worry, I'm not taking names or keeping track) here's how others have answered the question.
From a nationally representative survey of students in Grades 9–12 (1999–2007 data):
1. Almost 70% of youth experiencing sexual debut by age 18.
2. By age 16, approximately 30% of females and 34% of males have had sexual intercourse.
3. Approximately 7.1% of American youth report sexual debut prior to 13 (more male than female youth reporting early sexual debut).
4. African-American males experienced sexual debut earlier than all other groups.
5. Asian males and females experienced sexual debut later than all groups.
6 By their 17th birthday, the probability for sexual debut was:
-- greatest for African Americans (74% females, 82% males) and Hispanic males (69%)
-- less than 60% for Caucasians (58% females, 53% males) and Hispanic females (59%)
-- less than 35% for Asians (females 28%, males 33%)