UPDATE: The i-Pill's brand name has been changed to Nextime. I've changed the post to reflect that.
Leave it to Amazon to alert us to the availability of the i-Pill
You already know what Plan B and Plan B One-Step are. The i-Pill / Nextime is the same as Plan B One-Step and, since we're on the subject, the same as Levonelle One Step/Levonelle 1500 (different manufacturers, of course).
Plan B -- 2 pills (0.75 mg levonorgestrel/pill); take both pills at the same time as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, up to 120 hours (5 days).
i-Pill/Nextime/Plan B One-Step -- 1 pill (1.5 mg levonorgestrel); take the pill as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, up to 120 hours (5 days).
- The i-Pill / Nextime, like Plan B One-Step, is an emergency contraceptive pill. You take it to prevent pregnancy *after* an act of unprotected sexual intercourse. The sooner you take it the more effective it is (up to 89% reduction in pregnancy risk).
- The i-Pill / Nextime doesn't work if you're already pregnant. It will not terminate a pregnancy.
- Because the i-Pill / Nextime contains only a progestin (levonorgestrel) you can take it even if you can't use regular birth control pills.
- The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness--should resolve in a day or two--and menstrual changes. Most likely you'll have a normal period within the next month, but sometimes the next period can come as much as a week earlier or a week later than usual.
- Last, but not least, don't use the i-Pill / Nextime as regular birth control. Once you've resolved the emergency, select a birth control method that meets your needs and use it correctly and consistently.
Bottom line: If you are a sexually active woman or man of reproductive age and you're not planning a pregnancy you need to have the emergency contraceptive pill handy.
So go check out the i-Pill Emergency Contraceptive Pill
N.B. Other than the Amazon link, I have no financial interest in/ties with any of the ECP manufacturers.