I hope you do realize that when I come across a story of a bigo baby--an adorable 19.2-lb, 24.4 inches Indonesian neonate, delivered via C/S--there's just no way I can resist posting his pic just to highlight the remarkable event. According to the article both mom and baby are doing fine post-op. [The biggest baby I delivered, vaginally mind you, was a bit over 14-lb.]
Indonesian Woman Delivers 19.2-lb Baby
I hope you do realize that when I come across a story of a bigo baby--an adorable 19.2-lb, 24.4 inches Indonesian neonate, delivered via C/S--there's just no way I can resist posting his pic just to highlight the remarkable event. According to the article both mom and baby are doing fine post-op. [The biggest baby I delivered, vaginally mind you, was a bit over 14-lb.]
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